Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Manga World

Japanese Publishers Invest 3 Billion in AI to Translate Manga

Japanese Publishers Invest 3 Billion in AI to Translate Manga

In order to distribute manga more effectively worldwide, renowned publishers will use AI to translate manga. Japanese pop culture has never been as strong as it is today.

There is now a great demand for anime and manga in various languages, leading many companies to opt for AI to subtitle anime and translate manga more quickly.

Japanese Publishers Invest 3 Billion in AI to Translate Manga

It was recently announced that the giant Shogakukan will invest in an AI that will be responsible for translating more than 50,000 manga into other languages. And what about the investment?

Several companies will join forces to invest around 2.97 billion yen in an AI company that will translate more than 50,000 manga titles over the next five years.

Editoras Japonesa Investem 3 Bilhões em IA para Traduzir Mangás

It is a manga startup called Orange, founded in 2021, which brings together manga editors, AI generators, game developers, among others.

According to Orange, AI has the ability to translate manga in one-tenth of the time it takes a human, describing its AI text translation method, with corrections from a translator.

They claim that a volume can be fully translated within a few days. The works generated by AI will soon reach the United States through an app called “EMAQI”.

Expansion and Piracy Combat

The project leaders are studying expansion into the markets of Spain and India. In addition to facilitating global distribution, the idea is also to combat piracy by encouraging fans to consume the material legally and reducing the damage caused by piracy in the manga industry as a whole.

via Nikkei

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