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Note about washing clothes at night sparks heated discussion on japanese Twitter

Note about washing clothes at night sparks heated discussion on japanese Twitter

Those who live in apartments need to be careful with noises late at night so as not to disturb other people. And a note about washing clothes at night ended up generating a huge discussion on Japanese Twitter.

The tweet in question has more than 38,000 likes and 4,000 retweets. It says the following:

”There’s someone here who doesn’t have enough sense not to do laundry at night. You are bothering everyone. Please stop. Next time I’ll call the police and have them take care of things. You are not alone here, think about your surroundings.”

Note about washing clothes at night sparks heated discussion on japanese Twitter

A part of the users agreed with the sentiment of the ticket about washing clothes at night, because, as long as someone lives in apartments, washing clothes at night is prohibited because the noise can disturb others.

note about washing clothes at night

There are also those who knew that doing laundry at night was bad, wondering what the problem was, and many actually argued that it’s not a big deal and that they never mind when their neighbors do it.

Here’s a tweet from someone who doesn’t care if their neighbor does laundry late at night, completely disregarding this note about washing clothes at night.

”When I hear my neighbor doing laundry late at night, I don’t mind at all, in fact I always think ”Welcome back home, you did a good job today”

In fact, in Japan, washing clothes at night is quite common. According to a 2019 survey, 34% of 1,114 respondents responded that they wash clothes more frequently at night, while 7.1% responded that the preferred time period for washing machine activity is late at night.

Source: Automaton

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