Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Illustrator who has using AI is Attacked on Twitter

Illustrator who has been using AI is Attacked on Twitter

Illustrator who has using AI is Attacked on Twitter. He’s been the target of attacks on Twitter by people who have an aversion to AI illustrations, which doesn’t justify the comments he’s been getting.

It all started when Tarte decided to participate in the “100 days of illustration” challenge, which, as I understand it, consists of illustrators creating a new illustration every day for 100 days. He then shared some artwork of the character Asuka from the Evangelion anime:

Illustrator who has using AI is Attacked

This post has been viewed over 7 million times! For those unfamiliar, Tarte is a skilled illustrator who has recently been using AI heavily in his illustrations, which he regularly shares on his profile.

Illustrator who has using AI is Attacked

However, unfortunately, Tarte ended up being the target of attacks on Twitter. It all seems to have started when another illustrator named John Kafka shared one of Tarte’s illustrations and expressed his feelings of inadequacy by saying, “I feel stupid working while I can’t sleep.”

Its publication has already surpassed 22 million views and may have been the trigger for the attacks. When looking at the comments on Tarte’s posts, it’s evident that many people are criticizing him for using AI. The attacks are so intense that Tarte is having trouble responding to messages.

The post below is another example that led to targeted attacks on Tarte. In that post, the author claims that it is ridiculous that Tarte participates in the 100-day challenge using AI and goes so far as to call him a “former illustrator”. Furthermore, the author accuses him of having copied John Kafka’s style.

After the aforementioned tweet, many people came to believe that Tarte was not only participating in a challenge using AI, but was also copying John Kafka’s art. As a result, attacks were directed at Tarte by both Japanese and foreigners, with nasty comments being left on his profile.

In response to that tweet, John Kafka clarified that people had misinterpreted the situation. Kafka stated that he did not feel that his artistic style had been copied by Tarte in his AI illustrations. However, he also expressed his negative view towards the use of AI, making it clear that he was not advocating the practice.

Some people decided to make illustrations of Asuka and the challenge to criticize Tarte’s use of AI. Maru made the illustration below and said the following: “Day 1 of a REAL art by Asuka, this is a joke, the first and last art of this challenge, but I could criticize the AI a little bit. Fuck AI illustrations”.

Illustrator who has using AI is Attacked

Illustrator who has using AI is Attacked

Illustrator who has using AI is Attacked

These are some comments on Tarte’s publications:

“As much as I admire technology, you need to stop my man. Morally, this is wrong. Legally, this is theft. Aesthetically? This is weird. This is not right.”

“It would be nice if you included an AI tag, an interesting expression, and the output looked cleaner on this one”

“So this was done by AI?”

“Japanese artist turned AI sucker”

“We liked it better when you drew it yourself. Typing words doesn’t make you an artist, pick up the pen again”

“If you’re trying to change the art landscape by posting untagged AI-generated art as a trusted artist, that’s pathetic”

“Can you stop pretending you’re doing a 100 day challenge?! Writing 1 prompt every day is pathetic and an insult to all the real artists taking part. AI is rubbish”

“Were your illustrations so bad that you have to use AI?”

“I might be participating in his 100-day drawing challenge and since he doesn’t own the copyright, I thought I could improve his images” (Technically, even if it was him doing it by hand, he wouldn’t have the rights to an Asuka fanart).

“As an AI artist you will never be able to experience what art really is. You feed thousands of years of development in art styles into a generic filter and ruin every artist’s hard work just to get a few likes and claim their work as your own”

With each publication of Tarte, more and more people make all kinds of comments against him.

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