Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Woman Accused of Violating Copyright Law for Defending Her Husbando

Woman Accused of Violating Copyright Law for Defending Her Husbando

If you think only men do crazy things for their waifus, you’re wrong. Many women also go to great lengths for their husbandos, sometimes even getting into trouble with Japanese law and the police.

For example, the game Ensemble Stars features male idols and is aimed at a female audience. In it, you find many husbandos who sing and dance. The game is very popular and attracts many women who are enchanted by the characters, and sometimes, cases like today’s occur.

Woman Accused of Violating Copyright Law for Defending Her Husbando

The company behind the game Ensemble Stars is suing a 25-year-old woman for copyright infringement. Here’s what happened:

Banner game Ensemble Stars

This woman is a player of the game and has a favorite character. Over time, she felt that her favorite character was receiving poor treatment compared to other characters in the game. So, she took images of a character, edited them by placing images of cockroaches over them without the game’s owner’s permission, and posted them on social media around January 2, 2023. She allegedly made six such images.

The company managing the game noticed and filed a lawsuit against the woman, who was detained. She admitted to editing the images and explained her reason: she believed her husbando was not receiving fair treatment in the game.

Ensemble Stars movie visual

The 25-year-old woman is employed by a company in Tokyo. In April 2023, the company managing the game released a statement saying that the woman “obstructed the app’s operation by editing (the character’s image) to cause discomfort and fear, severely damaging the image of our company’s content.”

The company filed a criminal complaint against the woman with the Kyoto Police, and now the case is proceeding in court. For this type of crime, copyright infringement, the penalty can be up to 10 years in prison and a hefty fine.

And all because of her husbando.

Source: Mainichi

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