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Manga World

Ecchi Artist Yoru is a Woman

Ecchi Artist Yoru is a Woman

A notable feature of the manga industry is that many of the authors behind ecchi and hentai manga are women. However, it is common for these authors and illustrators to conceal their true identities. Recently, an illustrator whom everyone believed to be a man revealed herself to be a woman.

Ecchi Artist Yoru is a Woman

Illustrator Yoru decided to reveal herself and share her workspace due to suspicions that she was using artificial intelligence to create her illustrations. To dispel the doubts, she posted the following photo with the message:

“Recently, I’ve often been accused of using AI to create my work, but I’m a real person… I draw by hand… Also, I receive some provocative photos from cosplayers, but sending them to a woman only serves as eye candy…”

Ecchi Artist Yoru is a Woman

The image shows Yoru revealing herself as a female illustrator who creates ecchi content, although she does not show her face. She also showcases her chair and workspace, with one of her illustrations in progress, proving she does not use AI. Her revelation garnered over 20 million views on Twitter.

Despite the photo, some people still suspect that the image was generated by AI. As the following comment highlights:

“The base of the ring finger and middle finger looks strange. Also, the direction of the nails on the middle, ring, and little fingers is odd.”

Even though she reveals herself to be a woman, Yoru is accused of having generated her own photo with AI

Others analyzed Yoru’s chair, stating that the sides are inconsistent and accusing her of generating the photo with AI.

Discover Yoru’s Work

What kind of illustrations does Yoru create? Below are some examples. To see more of her work, you can visit her profile here.

Blue archive feito por Yoru Ecchi Artist Yoru is a Woman

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