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Rem IF is no Longer Canon

Rem IF is no Longer Canon

ReZero fans were taken by surprise today due to a move by the author, Tappei Nagatsuki, which left many shocked. It turns out that the “What If” story featuring Rem is no longer canon in the ReZero storyline… and what does this mean? I DON’T KNOW!

Firstly, Tappei “Deletes” the Rem IF Chapters

ReZero fans were peacefully sleeping, eating, and indulging in their otaku lives when they were initially startled by an update on the Webnovel.

If you’re not familiar with ReZero, it’s a webnovel where the author releases chapters for free on the internet. These chapters then go through the hands of Kadokawa editors and are turned into physical light novels.

But anyway, the fans were excited, thinking, “Wow, an update on the webnovel, it must be a new chapter.” However, it was discovered that Tappei (the author of ReZero) had deleted all the chapters of the Rem IF from the webnovel.

Rem IF is no Longer Canon

The Rem IF story is an extra story in ReZero that shows what would have happened if Rem had accepted Subaru’s proposal to run away during the events of arc 3. They would have gone far away and had two children, living happily.

So, the initial reaction was surprise. Why on earth was the author deleting the Rem IF chapters? Well, it didn’t take long for us to find out.

Rem IF is no Longer Canon

What happened is that all the chapters of the Rem IF story were moved to a new page. Essentially, the author removed these chapters from where the webnovel is published and created a new page labeled “Stories that are disconnected from the Main Story.”

Rem IF is no Longer Canon

The author of ReZero even used the kanji to denote stories “that are not canon.” But what does this mean? Well, here’s my interpretation. Previously, fans could argue that the Rem IF story happened within the main plot, but it was just a “What If.” Now, not even that is the case.

By removing this story from the “canon,” it leads me to understand (pay attention, this is what I THINK) that Rem never accepted Subaru’s proposal to run away, regardless of the timeline. This “What If” now exists merely as a curiosity for the fans.

However, I wouldn’t be surprised if this change is related to recent events in the main storyline. Anyway, share your theories!

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