Crazy for Anime Trivia

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New AI creates anime art without stealing it from illustrators

New AI creates anime art without stealing it from illustrators

There has long been talk of AIs stealing the space of many illustrators with their art being stolen by them and many fearing the loss of work to these technologies.

But today we will present something different, ”Emi”, a new AI creates anime art without stealing it from illustrators.

New AI creates anime art without stealing it from illustrators

Emi (Ethereal Master of Illustration) is a free image generation tool that does not use copyrighted images as the basis of its creation.

How does it work? Well, it all involves creating a database of different images to teach the system how to generate new images, unlike other AIs that simply use and abuse copyrighted images.

Below you see an image generated by Emi:

New AI creates anime art without stealing it from illustrators

Its developer explains that its AI is trained exclusively on public domain images and those authorized for machine learning by copyright holders.

The developer makes use of state-of-the-art H100 equipment and the Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 text-to-image model. Below is a manga-style background image generated by Emi.

New AI creates anime art without stealing it from illustrators

Emi uses Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 (SDXL), an AI imaging model specialized in creating detailed photorealistic images, and has a CreativeML Open RAIL++-M license, which allows images created by the generator to be used commercially.

In addition to being Open Rail licensed, the generator’s Manga Diffusion model is trained exclusively on public domain images and complemented with the Manga 109s dataset, obtained with permission from the copyright holders.

New AI creates anime art without stealing it from illustrators

Manga109 is a database of 109 volumes of Japanese manga, accumulated for the purposes of academic research on media processing.

According to the database website, permission to use the Manga109 dataset is granted by the authors of each of the works contained in the dataset, under the condition that it be used for academic purposes in non-profit organizations, for related research and use, such as experimentation and publishing academic works.

Furthermore, among the 109 works contained in the dataset, for 87 works, permission is granted to commercial organizations. By using the manga database license, Emi is able to ethically use the work of artists in creating her images.

Fonte: Automaton

Mangas on Sale

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