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Concerned fans fear that Mushoku Tensei anime will cut Norn POV

Concerned fans fear that Mushoku Tensei anime will cut Norn POV

We previously published an article here explaining two facts that, in my particular view, the anime failed to address. First, the reason why Eris left Rudeus and went away. Although the anime showed Eris saying she loves him, I believe it didn’t fully explain her reasons.

The second fact was that the anime completely cut out Sara’s point of view, not explaining her attitude towards Rudeus and not giving her any chance to say anything in the anime. Our last scene with her was quite bad.

Concerned fans fear that Mushoku Tensei anime will cut Norn POV

After the anime “failed” to show the perspectives of these two characters, fans now fear that the anime will also cut Norn’s point of view, and even the meme below was made:

The person who posted it on Twitter described it as “Studio Bind with the Mushoku Tensei anime.” The meme shows death entering each room and killing someone.

Concerned fans fear that Mushoku Tensei anime will cut Norn POV

So in this case, Studio Bind (the anime’s producer) would have first killed Eris’s point of view, then Sara’s, and now fans fear that Norn’s point of view will also be cut.

To be fair, I haven’t read the light novel, so I don’t know if Norn has any point of view to be shown in the story, but reading the comments, apparently she does.

If you don’t remember who Norn is, she’s Rudeus’s younger sister, the one who was with their father when they reunited. Norn met Rudeus when she saw her brother beating up their father.

Let’s see some comments from people:

“You forgot Ghislaine’s point of view in the first season.”

“Oh man, they gave you all the tools to figure out why Eris left; she even said it in the last episode. You have to relax.”

“It’s better they don’t do that… people who only watch the anime will be confused to see Norn [Censored due to spoilers] without seeing her point of view.”

“More focus on the protagonist.”

“I can’t believe this; Eris’s point of view is one of my 5 favorite moments in Mushoku Tensei.”

“Let’s include other notable moments that were cut:

  • Zenith’s point of view from her family in Fittoa.
  • Ghislaine’s point of view during the arc where Rudeus was teaching Eris.
  • Therese’s moments with Rudeus during the Millis arc.”

“Not everything needs to be explained in an anime adaptation. You have to trust the intelligence of the viewers to some extent.”

“In fact, the “Point of view of character X” has always been ignored by Bind’s adaptation. But in Sara’s case, I understand that she’s not an important character, so there’s no problem in not spending too much time on her.”

Recently, I also see Japanese people commenting that they find the second season to be of lower quality compared to the first. What do you think of the anime?

via: Twitter

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