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Dungeon Meshi: Marcille’s 36 Different Hairstyles in the Anime

Marcille's 36 Different Hairstyles in the Anime

Dungeon Meshi has been one of the surprises of the current season, which is coming to an end in the next few days. Thanks to its dedicated fan base, some fans have noticed certain details and created databases about them. For example, did you know that throughout the entire first season of Dungeon Meshi, Marcille used 36 different hairstyles?

I didn’t notice this while watching, but she frequently changed her hairstyle, either from one episode to another or multiple times within the same episode. A dedicated fan noticed this and decided to count all 36 different hairstyles Marcille used during Dungeon Meshi.

Marcille’s 36 Different Hairstyles in the Anime

Published on Reddit, a fan with the username Ocixo created an album on Imgur showcasing all of Marcille’s hairstyles. We’ve brought this album to you here. But first, the fan categorized the different hairstyles into six groups:

  • Multiple braids
  • Single braid
  • Ponytail
  • Tied long hair
  • Long and straight hair
  • Various styles

Check out all 36 different hairstyles Marcille used during the first season of Dungeon Meshi below:

1. Two short braids with straight hair, pompadour, and two braided strands

Marcille's 36 Different Hairstyles in the Anime

2. Two long braids without bangs (thin)

Marcille's 36 Different Hairstyles in the Anime

3. Long braids without bangs (thick)

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 2

4. Two long braids with bangs

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 4

5. Two long braids (at the back) with bangs framing the face

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 5

6. Four short braids (at the back) with bangs tied with ribbons at the ends

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 6

7. Single short braid with straight hair, pompadour, and two braided strands (the left braid was cut)

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 7

8. Single braid with a side sweep, straight hair, pompadour, and braided strand on the left

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 9

9. Single long braid (over the shoulder) with braided strand on the left side

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 10

10. Single long braid (at the back) with braided strand on the left side

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 11

11. Single long braid (at the back) with crown braid

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 12

12. Single long braid (over the shoulder) without bangs or braided strand

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 13

13. Single long braid with bangs (over the shoulder

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 14

14. Short, high ponytail with half bangs, single short braid, and braided strands on both sides

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 15

15. Long, low ponytail with side bangs and braided strands

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 16

16. Long, low ponytail (without ribbon or braided strands)

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 17

17. Long, low ponytail (without ribbon or braided strands) with loose bangs

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 19

18. Short, high ponytail with bangs pulled back

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 21

19. Short, high ponytail with side bangs and braided strands

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 22

20. Short, high ponytail with bangs framing the face

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 23

21. Long hair tied with braided strands on the side

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 24

22. Long tied hair – divided between front and back (with elastic)

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 25

23. Long tied hair – over the shoulders (with ribbon)

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 26

24. Long tied hair – over the shoulders (loose)

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 27

25. Long, straight hair tied with a large braid down the back

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 28

26. Long, straight hair with side bangs and a single braided strand

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 29

27. Long, straight hair to the ends

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 30

28. Long, straight hair to the ends with bangs

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 31

29. Long, straight hair with bangs and strands pulled back on the right side

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 32

30. Long, straight hair with strands pulled back on the left side

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 33

31. Long, straight hair with strands tucked behind the left ear

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 34

32. Long, straight hair with bangs and strands tied back

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 35

33. Hair tied with a pompadour

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 36

34. Hair tied with a pompadour (bangs pulled back)

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 37

35. Crown bun with side sweep

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 38

36. Bun with curtain bangs

Dungeon Meshi Marcille usou 36 diferentes Penteados durante o Anime 39

And there you have it, the 36 different hairstyles Marcille used during Dungeon Meshi. Which ones do you think she looked cutest in? In my opinion, the cutest are numbers 1, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 22, 26 (the cutest of all), 27, and 31.

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