Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Light Novel and Manga

Mid-Autumn without You: Wife Cheats on Husband with Husband

Mid-Autumn without You

As I was looking at different manga to recommend here, I recently came across a manga called “Mid-Autumn without You,” by an author named Senukin.

The manga is a one-shot of only 8 pages, but it shows a married woman having an affair with her… husband! Yes, she is cheating on her husband with her husband.

I will reveal the entire plot of the 8 pages here, but if you want to read it for yourself, click here and you will be redirected to the author’s Twitter.

Mid-Autumn without You: Wife Cheats on Husband with Husband

The story begins when the husband calls his wife to go to the festival:

Mid-Autumn without You

However, she, all dressed up, says no, because she is going to visit a “sick relative” and leaves home. It turns out that she is going to meet another man, they stroll through the city, take pictures together, and end up in a motel.
Mid-Autumn without You

During the post-party conversation, the man tells the woman to divorce her husband, to which she refuses, saying that she loves him very much. However, the man she is having an affair with is actually her husband in disguise!

Mid-Autumn without You

Yes, he dyes his hair and puts on a fake tattoo to pretend to be another man and thus have an affair with his own wife without her knowing! And because of her betrayal, he is very worried.

It turns out that the wife knew it was her husband from the beginning and only keeps the affair because she finds it fun; she actually loves her husband.

Mid-Autumn without You

Mid-Autumn without You has over 800,000 views on Twitter and has been praised by most people who have read it. I would find it cool if it became a series, but I don’t know how long a story like this could last.

But I found the idea very cool for a romantic comedy; hopefully, the author decides to make more chapters of Mid-Autumn without You.

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