Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Strage Japan

H dolls were used in an official Japanese government event

H dolls were used in an official Japanese government event

On January 23rd, H dolls were used in an official Japanese government event, specifically in the Tokushima prefectural government where the organizers had the idea of ​​renting these dolls to promote tourism in the region.

H dolls were rented and displayed in various parts of the airport at a cost of 400,000 yen per unit, and were overpriced by 12,500 yen per unit more than they would have cost.

H dolls were used in an official Japanese government event

Dolls of this type were displayed in certain parts of the region’s airport:

H dolls were used in an official Japanese government event

H dolls were used in an official Japanese government event

The committee described this action as unethical as it was an official event. Monetary compensation was also ordered for government officials who participated in this event.

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