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Wanted to Be a Little Girl, Cosplayer Used PreCure to Embrace Girls

Wanted to Be a Little Girl, Cosplayer Used PreCure to Embrace Girls

Wanted to Be a Little Girl, Cosplayer Used PreCure to Embrace Girls in a Park. The Japanese internet was flooded with a concerning case that raised many worries, so much so that even Toei and the official PreCure anime profile released official cautionary statements.

An individual dressed in an unofficial cosplay of PreCure characters was at Hitachi Seaside Park, taking photos with park visitors. Up until this point, everything seemed normal, and many people took photos with this probable official PreCure cosplay. However, the issue arose when they discovered their Twitter profile.

Wanted to Be a Little Girl, Cosplayer Used PreCure to Embrace Girls

As you can see from the screenshot below of the profile “kasugano_hikaru,” this person was cosplaying as a character from PreCure, a popular magical girls’ anime targeted at children.

In the screenshot below, you can see the costume that covers the entire body, including a mask for the face. In some of the side photos, you can observe Kasugano taking pictures with children, using the cosplay to embrace girls:

Wanted to Be a Little Girl, Cosplayer Used PreCure to Embrace Girls

The problem began when Kasugano’s profile was discovered, and people saw some of their messages expressing happiness in embracing young girls. Some of the messages Kasugano posted include: “Today was a great day,” “The girls hugged me,” “I hugged them,” “The girls were so mature,” “They mistook me for the official cosplay.”

According to Kasugano’s profile, he is a man who underwent an operation in Thailand to resemble a little girl. His operation cost 1.6 million yen.

Wanted to Be a Little Girl, Cosplayer Used PreCure to Embrace Girls

Once Kasugano’s profile was discovered and people began to see his posts, they were horrified because many of the posts revealed his fetish.

“Wait a minute… I took this photo at Hitachi Seaside Park, and the kids were happily saying, ‘It’s PreCure.’ Are you telling me there was a creepy old guy inside that costume?” said one of the park visitors who saw the PreCure cosplay.

Wanted to Be a Little Girl, Cosplayer Used PreCure to Embrace Girls

Hitachi Seaside Park is government-managed and hadn’t established rules for people wearing full-body-covering costumes, including masks. Due to this incident, Japanese citizens inundated the government with messages demanding rules to prevent people from covering their faces.

Under pressure, a new rule has been implemented, prohibiting entry to the park with a covered face.

Toei and PreCure Speak Out

As the situation became increasingly serious, Toei Animation (responsible for PreCure) issued a statement, essentially advising the public to be cautious of unofficial cosplayers in such situations. The PreCure profile also released a similar statement.

We also have this account here, a message from a mother who recounted an encounter she had with an individual in one of these cosplays some time ago. According to her, she and her daughter were at the park when a person in pink cosplay was staring at them excessively.

Seeing the character as cute, her daughter wanted to take a photo with the person in the anime cosplay. However, according to the mother, the person held her daughter too tightly, making the girl uncomfortable.

Wanted to Be a Little Girl, Cosplayer Used PreCure to Embrace Girls

So, the mother decided to leave, and she claimed that the person followed them to the parking lot. While in the car, the mother took a photo of the person in pink cosplay looking at them from the parking lot. It’s truly unsettling, isn’t it?

Wanted to Be a Little Girl, Cosplayer Used PreCure to Embrace Girls

After the widespread attention to the case, Kasugano made his Twitter profile private and deleted all his messages, indicating that he had more to hide from people, who are now frightened.

via Nlab

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