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Did the AV version of Chainsaw Man sell more Blu-ray Discs than the anime?

AV version of Chainsaw Man sell more Blu-ray Discs than the anime

Did the AV Version of Chainsaw Man sell more BD than the Anime? As you may know, there is an adult version made by TMA of Chainsaw Man called “Dildo Man”.

You can check out the images and the trailer for “Dildo Man” here at Cakemoe, well, this last week, a post on Twitter went viral where an image claimed that the adult TMA movie sold more Blu-rays than the official anime!

But where did that come from and is it really true?

Did the AV version of Chainsaw Man sell more Blu-ray Discs than the anime?

The image is as follows:

Did the AV version of Chainsaw Man sell more Blu-ray Discs than the anime?

The image above has surfaced on the internet in recent days and it says that the TMA parody has sold 8,600 Blu-rays while the Chainsaw Man anime has only sold 1,700 copies. It really is a very curious fact, the adult version sells more records than the original anime.

The story gained traction after an anime Youtuber named Chibi Reviews made a Twitter post that had over 500,000 views.

He published:

Did the AV version of Chainsaw Man sell more Blu-ray Discs than the anime?

Because of this publication by Chibi, several sites picked it up and wrote about it, such as Anime Explained and even Kotaku!

Did the AV version of Chainsaw Man sell more Blu-ray Discs than the anime

This image also ended up on Chinese, Japanese and Korean sites, and seeing the comments on these sites, NOBODY questioned the veracity of the information, everyone just started commenting on the fact.

But, is this story true?

Did the AV version of Chainsaw Man sell more Blu-ray Discs than the anime

I’m going to advance that the information is false, as you can see, the image that Chibi saw and published on the net is cut, it does not say the name of the site that would have taken the image, after searching the internet, I found the complete image, which it tells you the name of the site that would have made it and says something even better.

The image said that the font is Oricon! Well, Oricon don’t collect adult movie sales data. In fact, the Japanese AV industry doesn’t release the number of sales of its movies!

The most that is done is a ranking of the actresses that sell the most in the month, and even in this ranking no number is provided, only the positions.

What about the website the image belongs to? They spoke and said that they did not make the image, it was a montage made by someone, they also clarified that the information is false.

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