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No lowering of prices in the Atelier Resleriana gacha

No lowering of prices in the Atelier Resleriana gacha

Gacha is an inhumane business and the cause of depression for many people. The sadness of losing that SSR character is unparalleled, we understand you!

And the Atelier Resleriana gacha couldn’t be different, right? Of course not. To the dismay of players, in addition to being able to lose that desired character, they still have to pay for a super expensive gacha.

No lowering of prices in the Atelier Resleriana gacha

A voice actress for one of the game characters addressed the issue of the expensive gacha in an official live stream about Atelier Resleriana. It’s 6,000 yen for 10 rolls.

No lowering of prices in the Atelier Resleriana gacha

Players began to complain about the high prices to roll the gacha and thus get their favorite characters.

“So, for Atelier, I thought it was 3,000 gems for 3,000 yen and a double for 6,000 gems for the first time, right, but the actual price is 3,000 yen for 1,500 gems + 250 gems. A roll of ten for 6,000 yen is crazy. Talk about exploitation.”

No lowering of prices in the Atelier Resleriana gacha

During a live stream, this issue of gacha prices was addressed. Here is the developers’ response:

“Thank you for your opinion. We have heard many voices about the 6,000 yen price for 10 pulls. We would just like to point out that the 10-pull medals (used to redeem in maximum pulls) are transferrable, and we will increase the gacha currency donations as well, so please look forward to it.”

And now let’s see the audience’s reaction:

“This is a classic example where developers create a good game, but due to the operational side, the rating is harmed. It reminds me of Square Enix’s Last Idea, which ended in a year.”

“I understand that it is not possible to immediately present a way of improvement, so I am looking forward to seeing how the complaints will be reflected. I really think the game is good.”

“Although I understand the complaints, the live stream expressed admiration for the firm skill of the management, saying something like ‘Accept the current situation!'”

“I love Atelier, so I made some in-game purchases to support it, as I found the work really interesting, but honestly, I was shocked by the high price of gems. I’ve already finished Chapter 3, so I’m looking forward to seeing how the story unfolds, but more than that, management needs to improve direction.”

And that’s it, no lowering of prices in the Atelier Resleriana gacha.

Fonte: Hachime 

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