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What do you do when you’re tired of watching anime? Otakus discuss

What do you do when you're tired of watching anime? Otakus discuss

There was a recent discussion on MAL among otakus about what you do when you’re tired of watching anime. Because, whether you like it or not, there comes a time when you’ve watched so many anime that you don’t feel like watching a new one, and you’re exhausted from consuming so much of that content.

This is called the anime burnout“, but how do you deal with it? Watching anime is your greatest pleasure, your greatest hobby. How do you get around this situation in a way that doesn’t make you depressed?

What do you do when you’re tired of watching anime? Otakus discuss

Some choose to watch a Western movie or series, others look for a game to finish or just start reading manga. Let’s check out what they had to say?

O que você faz quando está cansado de assistir animes? Otakus discutem

”So far, I’ve never gotten tired of it.”

”For me, it’s more like an ”anime drought” that I have to deal with. I have to search more and more to find things that I like, and look further and further outside my comfort zone. I would say that taking a break is one of the best things you can do. Other than that, I think revisiting some of the shows that got you into anime can reignite your passion, or it could be something else too, like maybe there’s something you’ve always wanted to do, or that you’ve been putting off, that you could dig up to get excited again.”

”A day of watching Friends or other Western content.”

”Do other things like chores, healthy things like working out and getting outside. Mix in other methods of entertainment like games, reading books and manga.”

”I’m starting to cut down on the amount of anime I watch.”

”The trick is just to pace yourself. If you feel like you’re watching too much anime, slow down and watch other things. I once set a goal of at least 5 episodes a day. Now it’s more varied or very rarely any episodes at all.”

”Taking a break from anime often helps and focusing on other hobbies.”

When you’re tired of watching anime, you can seek refuge in many places of entertainment or you can simply go about your daily activities.

via Você Sabia Anime