Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Simpsons becomes anime in this incredible parody of Death Note animated by a Korean studio

Simpsons becomes anime in this incredible parody of Death Note animated by a Korean studio

Matt Selman (executive producer of The Simpsons) said in an interview recently that animation studio DR Movie will animate the Death Note parody in the Simpsons’ Halloween episode. ”It’s a legit anime, which was animated by this fantastic animation company called DR Movie, who ran the Simpsons universe in the perfect Death Note anime style,” he said.

The clip below shows a bit of DR Movie’s Death Note parody, with Lisa Simpson discovering the Death Note and reading the notebook rules, all in anime style:

DR Movie has participated in the production of several animes. Like the background art and mid-range animation for Death Note. The studio was also credited for co-producing the second season of Shield Hero.

It’s not the first time the Simpsons have made anime parodies. They’ve done Attack on Titan, Naruto, Pokémon, Bleach and One Piece as well.