Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Otaku Culture

Japanese Otakus Fighting over American Cartoons

Otakus Japoneses Brigando por Desenhos Americanos

“You otaku poser, you only watch the fad anime”, “go watch something other than Naruto and One Piece” do you want to see Japanese otakus fighting over american cartoons? There are these types of discussions in the west among anime fans when a person says their list of anime they watched.

For example, the actor from Creed III, who only recommended fighting shonens and many people commented that he doesn’t watch anime, that he only stays in the most famous ones and such.

But did you know that this happens all over the world? Even in Japan? With western designs?

Japanese Otakus Fighting over American Cartoons

Three prints showing what would be discussions on 2ch, which is a Japanese forum, show Japanese people arguing over American cartoons and proving that this kind of thing happens in all countries.

Japanese otakus fighting over american cartoons 2 Japanese otakus fighting over american cartoons 1

Isn’t it funny to see a Japanese guy calling another a poser for just watching The Powerpuff Girls and South Park? For you to see that it is not only in the West that this type of discussion takes place.

This other print below shows another situation that I’ve seen many Brazilians complain about:

Otakus Japoneses Brigando por Desenhos Americanos

Basically the conversation above is a thread about the Warhammer game that didn’t come out in Japan and it’s not in Japanese but they are going to play it.

Then people start asking for a Japanese translation of the game. How many Brazilians have already gone on the internet to ask for a Portuguese translation of several games?

And then there are other Japanese who tell him to shut up for not even knowing how to speak English or understand it, another commented: “Blocking Japan is good, so you feel superior for having the game”.

Others say that the game would have a fan translation. Did you see? Japanese fans are just like any other type of fan.

Via: Facebook

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