Crazy for Anime Trivia

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There are more Women watching Oshi no Ko than Men

There are more Women watching Oshi no Ko than Men

According to the Gem Standard website, there are more women watching Oshi no Ko than men. This site usually releases rankings on series and anime that are currently on streaming services.

They create rankings for the series and anime that are being watched the most and also separate these rankings by age and gender of the respondents, yes, respondents, they do surveys with a certain part of the public to know what they are watching.

And good, they disclosed that…

There are more Women watching Oshi no Ko than Men

There are more Women watching Oshi no Ko than Men

According to their last publication on the 12th, Oshi no Ko has more female viewers than men, the ratio would be 6 to 4. Oshi no Ko is also the 3rd most watched anime currently on streaming services, second only to the third season from Demon Slayer and Detective Conan.

In addition to having more women watching Oshi no Ko than men, most of this anime’s audience is in their 20s. Talking about the other animes, Demon Slayer which is in 1st place in the last 4 weeks in the ranking, has more men watching than women.

There are more Women watching Oshi no Ko than Men

Second as I mentioned above is Detective Conan, Conan is the same as Oshi no Ko, it also has more women watching than men.

Japanese commented on this information that he has more Women watching Oshi no Ko than Men:

“Really? Is it aimed at women?”

“It’s obvious that (Oshi no Ko) would be popular”

“It’s impressive that there are several female characters among the main characters”

“At least it’s not aimed at pigs”

“It’s easy to tell it’s made for women by reading the reviews on Jump”

“In addition to the story showing reincarnation as the daughter of an idol, there are several elements that appeal to women”

“The illustrator of the manga is a woman”

“I already knew I would have a strong female fan base”

“Women identify with Akane Kurokawa”

Tem Mais Mulheres assistindo Oshi no Ko do que Homens

Akane is the girl next to Aqua, with short hair.

Even if these are some of the comments made, a ratio of 6:4 is not that huge from my point of view, there are still a lot of men watching Oshi no Ko, it’s honestly balanced.

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