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Elon Musk made his ex Amber Heard dress up as Mercy from Overwatch

Elon Musk made his ex Amber Heard dress up as Mercy from Overwatch

A new biography of Elon Musk written by Walter Isaacson was released on September 12th and provides curious details about Elon Musk’s personal tastes.

Mercy is one of the most popular support heroes in Overwatch and, you know, believe it or not, there are those who derive erotic pleasure from being healed in the game.

Elon Musk made his ex Amber Heard dress up as Mercy from Overwatch

Actress Amber Heard, who dated Elon Musk until 2016, looked like the support character Mercy from Overwatch to him. On the surface, Musk ”looked attractive for a rocket engineer,” says Isaacson.

Elon Musk made his ex Amber Heard dress up as Mercy from Overwatch

Mercy is a guardian angel figure who, in addition to being a brilliant scientist and a staunch supporter of peace, is known for her ability to heal and empower her allies. She is a very beloved character from Overwatch.

Musk told Amber that she reminded him of his favorite character, Mercy, so she spent two months designing and ordering a head-to-toe costume so she could role-play for him.

Elon Musk made his ex Amber Heard dress up as Mercy from Overwatch

A Mercy cosplay from Overwatch requires a faithful creation of the character’s iconic white costume, a detail that would require more work would be to recreate the mechanical wings of Mercy’s costume.

Amber Heard and Elon Musk’s relationship fell apart soon after this. Furthermore, this certainly ended up being a surprise for the Overwatch community to learn that Musk has a certain connection with the game.

Via: Kotaku

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