Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Kazuma and Aqua arrived in Konosuba Bakuen?

Kazuma and Aqua arrived in Konosuba Bakuen?

Did Kazuma and Aqua arrive in Konosuba Bakuen? Those who watched episode 9 of the anime know that there was an unexplained scene that saved Megumin and Yunyun’s lives against Arnes.

Kazuma and Aqua arrived in Konosuba Bakuen?

As mentioned, in episode 9 of Konosuba Bakuen Arnes is about to cast powerful magic against Megumin and Yunyun.

Kazuma and Aqua arrived in Konosuba Bakuen?

Megumin unable to launch her explosion because Yunyun stopped her so as not to hurt Chomusuke, Yunyun starts to pray for help, even praying for the goddess Aqua.

Kazuma and Aqua arrived in Konosuba Bakuen

Soon after, a mysterious light with several feathers appears over the city and gives Megumin an opening to attack Arnes.

Kazuma and Aqua arrived in Konosuba Bakuen

Most likely, this light is the exact moment when Aqua and Kazuma arrive in this world and in Axel, the city of beginners,

Kazuma and Aqua arrived in Konosuba Bakuen

In addition to the light, in Konosuba Bakuen we see feathers flying, when picking up the first episode of Konosuba, we see that the feathers belong to this character, who spreads her wings and her feathers are scattered everywhere during the transport of the two.

Kazuma and Aqua arrived in Konosuba Bakuen

So there you have it, the exact moment Kazuma and Aqua arrived in Konosuba Bakuen! It’s very interesting to see how Megumin’s story matches the timeline of the main series, isn’t it?

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