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Strage Japan

Japanese company uses HP badges to identify the current situation of its employees

Japanese company uses HP badges to identify the current situation of its employees

Pressure, stress, discomfort, the work environment can be very chaotic for people. And it was with this in mind that the logistics and media company, Onken, came up with the idea of creating HP badges that indicate who is in need of a little help.

Japanese company uses HP badges to identify the current situation of its employees

This Japanese company uses HP badges to get around the problem of open and direct communication that some people have. Each employee receives three badges: a green bar with 10,000 HP, a yellow bar with 3,899 HP, and a red bar with 15 HP.

Japanese company uses HP badges to identify the current situation of its employees

Onken said that employees feel pressured and stressed, both at work and in their personal lives, and was looking for a way to improve communication in these situations.

That’s when one of their employees said: ”Why don’t you make a badge to view our HP?” The badges were made at the company’s own facilities and the results were better than expected.

Check out some reactions from people on the internet about this idea:

”What a great idea. I want to work for this company!”

”The design is cute and the concept is so sweet and thoughtful.”

”Everything is easier to understand when you have a visual representation.”

”Usually my HP is low on Mondays and Fridays.”

”I feel like my HP is always low.”

”I would like my company to adopt this system.”

”I really want badges like these.”

With this amazing idea, I think people should be more considerate of video game fans. What do you think?

Via: Grape, SoraNews24