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Japan Has More Vtubers Than Animators

Japan Has More Vtubers Than Animators

An animator took to Twitter to highlight the shortage of animators in Japan, stating that Japan currently has more Vtubers than animators, sparking a discussion.

Japan Has More Vtubers Than Animators

The animator aimed to emphasize the lack of animators in Japan, mentioning that there are ‘way more Vtubers’ compared to the total population of animators in Japan.

Japan Has More Vtubers Than Animators

While the information about the shortage of animators surprised some, others considered it a given, considering that many Japanese studios hire animators from abroad. However, the number of Vtubers was more shocking than the fact itself, with over 20,000 Vtubers in Japan and counting.

Japan Has More Vtubers Than Animators

It’s much more likely for someone to encounter a Vtuber on the streets of Japan than an animator at any given moment, which was seen as more of a concern than anything for those not interested in Vtubers.

Japan Has More Vtubers Than Animators

The situation for animators is precarious, with reports of animators denouncing poor working conditions offered by certain animation studios. This, in turn, may be contributing to the lack of interest in people joining the industry, as well as others leaving it. In short, it’s indeed a complicated situation.

via: Você Sabia Anime

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