Blue Lock Blu-ray fixed Standings in Episode 5
The Blu-ray of Blue Lock that contains episode 5 was released and comparing it with the version shown on TV we found that the Blue Lock Blu-ray fixed Standings that appears in episode 5 during Ego’s explanation.
In episode 5, Ego appears to the players who are in Blue Lock and shows how the current standings is, with the position of the teams as well as other data, on TV we have the following:
I honestly don’t feel like doing math because math and I don’t mix but the standings is wrong in the TV version. yeah, comparing to what we see on the blu-ray, the animators have corrected the error in the tstandings:

As you can see, in the Blu-ray version of Blue Lock the standings has been corrected to the correct goal difference numbers by simply swapping the numbers in positions 2 and 3.
I honestly don’t know if anyone who watches the anime stopped to calculate this and see if it was right but it’s a correction that probably no one would notice.
Via: 井上トロ