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Mushoku Tensei: Author Clarifies Sara’s Words after Rudeus’s Failure

Author Clarifies Sara's Words after Rudeus's Failure

Author Clarifies Sara’s Words after Rudeus’s Failure! There’s something that some authors do when their anime adaptations air, which is to comment on some scenes in real-time. One author who always does this is Tappei Nagatsuki, the author of Re:Zero.

Every time we have a new episode of Re:Zero being broadcasted, Tappei is on Twitter watching and commenting on some of the scenes, even revealing some interesting facts and providing better explanations for some characters’ motivations.

The author of Mushoku Tensei does the same, and in a tweet, he clarified a line from Sara in the anime.

Mushoku Tensei: Author Clarifies Sara’s Words after Rudeus’s Failure

As most of you may know, in episode 3 of Mushoku Tensei, Sara and Rudeus are alone in his room after a drinking session. Sara obviously wants to have sex, but Rudeus is unable to perform, and as a result, Sara becomes sad and leaves.

On that occasion, she says the following:

Author Clarifies Sara's Words after Rudeus's Failure Author Clarifies Sara's Words after Rudeus's Failure

and them:

Author Clarifies Sara's Words after Rudeus's Failure

In my commentary on the episode, I interpreted her last words as being directed at Rudeus for not being able to perform with her, but the author explained that this is not the case.

“Sara was shocked and confused about her own part as well, you know. The word ‘awful’ was not said to Rudeus. It’s just a habit, you know?” said the author of Mushoku Tensei, explaining Sara’s feelings at the moment of Rudeus’s failure.

As I mentioned above, I had interpreted this as being directed at Rudeus, but now, I feel sad for both Rudeus and Sara. She likes him and became quite upset hearing him say those things about her at the end of the episode.

Below are some reactions from Japanese fans:

“I wish Rudeus had run after her.”

“Nobody is to blame, really.”

“I wonder what would have happened if Sara and Rudeus had continued together.”

“Sara is an ordinary girl, with her strengths and weaknesses. Anyway, I don’t think she would have been a good fit for Rudeus (laughs).”

“I can understand Sara’s feelings as well as Rudeus’s. Although what Rudeus said at that moment was not good, he must have felt desperate and powerless.”

I feel for Sara too; she’s a good girl. I even think she tried to ease things for Rudeus by saying it was her obligation.

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