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Yu-Gi-Oh Manga Author Died Trying to Save Riptide Victims

Yu-Gi-Oh Manga Author Died Trying to Save Riptide Victims

In July we reported the death by drowning of the author of Yu-Gi-Oh, Kazuki Takahashi, who was 60 years old, months after that sad day details of the author’s death emerge, who, according to what the Stripes website published, died trying to save another person.

The website Stripes published an article with a US army officer who rescued 3 people in a stream at a diving point in Okinawa.

Robert Bourgeau, 49, says the following about the case:

According to what is said is the following, The American military newspaper Stars and Stripes reported a case of a mother, a daughter and an American soldier who were saved from a very strong current in Japan.

And in this report it was said that the author of Yu-Gi-Oh was involved in this rescue and that he ended up passing away while trying to save people, the Japanese guard denies this information.

Autor de Yu-Gi-Oh morreu tentando Salvar outra Pessoa

According to army member Robert Bourgeau, he was walking when he heard a Japanese woman screaming for help, her daughter and another American soldier were caught in a stream.

He went into the water to save them both but he was very strong and he said he got tired fast, in that the mother ended up falling in the water too and he had to hold them both.

At one point a Japanese man would have jumped into the water to help in the rescue, who was out of the current said that it was Kazuki Takahashi, author of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga.

Kazuki Takahashi would have jumped to help rescue a mother, daughter and American soldier but he ended up being carried away by the current. The Japan Coast Guard found Takahashi’s body equipped with scuba gear two days later, on July 6, about 300 meters offshore in Awa, Nago City, Okinawa.

A Japan Coast Guard spokesman declined to confirm that Takahashi actually participated in the rescue attempt, but several sworn witness statements provided by the Army detailed his actions that day. Takahashi’s autopsy also concluded that he had drowned and that there were no signs of foul play.

via Stripes