Japanese complain about Woke design for Pokémon Violet and Scarlet characters
The new games of the Pokémon franchise are coming to the Nintendo Switch, and I must say one thing, Without Waifus Woke design for Pokémon Violet and Scarlet characters “woke designs”
So far some characters have been revealed and did you know that there are many Japanese people who are not happy with the visuals? Here are some of the characters revealed for the games:
Leave your opinion on the character design above in the comments!
Japanese complain about Woke design for Pokémon Violet and Scarlet characters
One thing that is undeniable to say is that the vast majority of Pokémon games have female characters with Waifus status, practically in every game there are girls that fans simply adore.
The last main games of the franchise, Shield and Sword even brought more “waifus” like Nessa, Sonia, Marnie and still has Bea and the protagonist herself, who has a design that really pleased the fans.

But these are some of the comments made by the Japanese about the visuals of the characters of Violet and Scarlet, the comments were compiled by the website Hachima.
[su_quote]So Grusha-san was a man huh….[/su_quote]
[su_quote]Our Nintendo evolved into Wokendo![/su_quote]
[su_quote]So I heard that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet have a become “Woke” with how bland and unattractive the characters are… I think it would be ok if the developers put their fetishes a little more. Give us another Raihan please[/su_quote]
[su_quote]I wanted to know if the reason is the “Woke” of why there are no characters wearing skirts in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Still looking forward to the game, but the character design has been the worst in the series so far[/su_quote]
[su_quote]The number of black people has also increased, in two games more than half of the characters will be black, right?[/su_quote]
[su_quote]If you are (creating the characters) with a woke mentality, the characters end up empty and without charm[/su_quote]
[su_quote]The series sells well abroad even without this woke schedule, why do that?[/su_quote]
[su_quote]Looks like next time Mario will be gay[/su_quote]
[su_quote]It’s funny that in real life there are many women in skirts, but in a game she has to wear woke pants[/su_quote]
[su_quote]Nintendo has really become a symbol of woken contamination in Japan huh[/su_quote]

[su_quote]Pokemon LG and Pokémon BT[/su_quote]
[su_quote]From now on we won’t talk much about it, let’s just wait for the first week’s sales and if it flops we say as much as we want ‘we’ll let you know’.
Also, the characters in the game aren’t appealing enough for me to want to buy the game, so I’m not picking up this one. It was the same reason why I didn’t buy Xenoblade 3, if the characters aren’t cool I have no reason to buy.
It’s up to the developers to decide how much they will bow to political correctness, but if in the end the product doesn’t interest me, I don’t buy it, that’s how it works[/su_quote]
Xenoblade 3 was also criticized for the lackluster look of the female characters, read more here.
[su_quote]The amount of ugly characters is so great that it gives me goosebumps[/su_quote]
[su_quote]No character that resonates with my dick[/su_quote]
[su_quote]Being considerate with the foreign market is ok, but why every time this happens, the soul of the game is completely taken away? This is no longer a Japanese game by God[/su_quote]
[su_quote]I didn’t like the look of these characters[/su_quote]
Anyway, let’s see when the game comes out how the public reaction will be, and you, are you happy with the look of the characters so far? But it’s worth mentioning one thing, who produces the main Pokémon games is Game Freak, I can’t say if Nintendo has any power of choice in their development, but just in case, it’s Game Freak that makes the decisions and direction of the main games.