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Tsurusaki Yuu Criticizes Fans Suggesting Changes to the Plot

Tsurusaki Yuu Criticizes Fans Suggesting Changes to the Plot

Tsurusaki Yuu is the author of the manga Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to, a story about two friends transported to another world, where one of them is transformed into a woman. The manga is a family project, as Yuu writes the story while her husband, Shin Ikezawa, handles the illustrations. In 2022, the manga received an anime adaptation.

Tsurusaki Yuu Criticizes Fans Suggesting Changes to the Plot

Despite the interesting romantic developments in the story, Yuu took to Twitter to express her frustration with fans who suggest changes to the plot.

Fantasy Bishoujo

She posted the following message:

“Sometimes, I see comments on manga like ‘I wish it went this way’ or ‘It would be better if it were like this.’ Every time I see that, I think: ‘Use that imagination to create something yourself!!! Don’t waste your ideas in the manga’s comment section, create something yourself!!! Draw!!!!”

Tsurusaki Yuu Criticizes Fans Suggesting Changes to the Plot

The Japanese public’s reaction to her comment was mixed, with some understanding her point of view and others offering criticism. Some of the comments included:

“This is one of the starting points of creation, isn’t it?”

“The reason why I believe game creators should play other companies’ games is exactly this: by experiencing something, many ideas emerge, like ‘If it were me, I’d do it this way,’ and that can be applied to your own work.”

“The talent to turn 1 into 2 and the talent to create something from scratch are different.”

“Although there is the fear of accidentally plagiarizing, the thought of ‘I would do it this way!’ or ‘Why didn’t they do this?’ is a powerful driving force for creation. When we see a good work, we feel like creating something too.”

“You’re right…! It’s an entirely correct opinion…!”

“That’s what doujinshi and Twitter are for.”

“If the comment is to request a correction in the work, I understand the frustration. But if the author responds with ‘If you have something to complain about, do it yourself’ to a personal criticism someone posted after reading, it makes me want to say, ‘Oh, Hashimoto-style, huh?'”

The final comment refers to Toru Hashimoto, a former mayor of Osaka known for his direct and often harsh responses, especially when criticized.

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