Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Anime World

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime, BUT THEY WERE ALL created by AI! Illustrations created by AI are likely to be incorporated into anime production sooner or later.

What I’m going to show you here today are illustrations made by an AI that look like scenes taken from actual anime, they are so impressive.

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime

Let’s start with Lefiya from Danmachi. If you’re not paying attention, you could mistake the artwork below for a scene from the anime.

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime

And what about this Luco? It’s practically identical to KyoAni’s style, right? You can tell it’s AI-generated from her chest and arms, but the face?

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime

I’ve never watched Fairy Tail, but I believe this Lucy scene could also fool others

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime

I’m not currently watching Hell’s Paradise, but when I saw this scene for the first time, I genuinely thought it was from an actual episode.

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime

This Nagisa scene could easily pass as a scene from Kanojo mo Kanojo, the AI even imitated the anime’s lighting.

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime

We also have Rindou from Shokugeki no Souma, the resemblance to scenes from the anime is truly impressive:

These AI-generated artworks look like they came from anime

Impressive, isn’t it? If AI can already create artwork that convincingly emulates the style of an anime, who’s to say it won’t be used to speed up anime production in no time?

If you want to see more illustrations, visit Cookiefudge2 profile.

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