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It appears that Suletta and Miorine Marriage has been Cancelled

It appears that Suletta and Miorine Marriage has been Cancelled

It appears that Suletta and Miorine Marriage has been Cancelled! Gundam Suisei no Majo seems to be in a strange situation. The series sold well, but as soon as the anime ended, someone involved in the production teased other staff members about it. Then we had confirmation that Suletta and Miorine got married, only to now have that confirmation taken back!

Confusing introduction? Sorry about that.

It appears that Suletta and Miorine Marriage has been Cancelled

In the final episode of Gundam Suisei no Majo, we see Miorine and Suletta together, each wearing a ring on their finger. Although it wasn’t explicitly stated, fans speculate that they ended up getting married, forming a couple.

However, nothing official was said until an issue of Gundam Ace magazine came out, where in an interview with Suletta’s voice actress, Kana Ichinose, she said this:

It appears that Suletta and Miorine Marriage has been Cancelled

“The scene where (the two) leaned into each other in the epilogue was great. After 3 years, the two have become even closer, and seeing them married and relying on each other really touched me.”

When the magazine was released, and fans saw this statement from Suletta’s voice actress, they celebrated and took it as an official confirmation that the two got married. But now, doubts have arisen again because fans noticed that in the digital version of the magazine, Kana Ichinose’s dialogue was altered.

Now, she says the following:

“The scene where (the two) leaned into each other in the epilogue was great. After 3 years, the two have become even closer, and seeing them relying on each other really touched me.”

Take a look at the comparison below, this is the version that appeared in the print magazine, and the text enclosed in the red box mentions the marriage:

It appears that Suletta and Miorine Marriage has been Cancelled

Now, notice the text from the digital version of the magazine, the kanji for marriage has been removed:

It appears that Suletta and Miorine Marriage has been Cancelled

How did fans react to this change in Suletta’s voice actress’s statement? You’ll see the term “SuleMio” in the quotes below, which is the ship name for Suletta and Miorine.

“Why… Why is same-sex marriage not allowed!?”

“No way! SuleMio got married! They should proudly declare that they got married!”

“I think voice actors’ remarks are generally just “impressions” and not related to official settings, so deleting them is really strange. One possible explanation is that SuleMio’s marriage is treated as an “official setting” that all involved parties should keep vague.”

“Maybe they wanted to keep it within the realm of insinuation as an official stance, because there are many countries other than Japan that are stricter about same-sex marriage. Like China, for example.”

“SuleMio got married!!!”

“The description of SuleMio’s marriage being deleted from the Gundam Ace e-book edition may be because explicitly stating “marriage” could lead to it being banned in certain countries where it is currently or soon to be distributed. (100% speculation) But if that’s the case, I can’t be angry because I really want those living in “stiff” countries to watch it and be encouraged.”

“Even though the cast and production team may not be allowed to say the word “marriage,” their thoughts and feelings are still conveyed. So, once again, congratulations on SuleMio’s marriage!!”

“Regarding the deletion of the word “marriage” in the e-book edition of Gundam Ace, personally, I’m considering the theory that it was simply because it was a topic to be handled in future media developments, not necessarily due to pressure from above or consideration for countries with prohibitions on same-sex relationships. After all, there will be a theatrical version, right? We’ll get to see the two of them in wedding dresses, won’t we?”

“Although it was deleted due to the timing of the announcement, I hope it ends up with the twist of SuleMio saying, “I’m sorry for causing confusion, but we are indeed married.”

Obviously, we can only speculate about the reason for the alteration of the voice actress’s statement. Personally, I tend not to take what voice actors say as canon, only the original authors of the story. Even if the voice actor knows some official information, I always prefer to hear it from the mouth of the creators and writers of the story to consider it 100% official.

via: Otakomu

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