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Dubbing Industry wants Seiyuus who Can Generate Buzz

Dubbing Industry Seeks Seiyuus Who Can Generate Buzz Online

Voice actress Shouji Umeka vented on her Twitter profile about the Japanese dubbing industry, she is a voice actress who has been in the industry for a long time.

Dubbing Industry wants Seiyuus Who Can Generate Buzz

In two tweets, Shouji Umeka says she is frustrated at having apparently had a job stolen because the competition was more capable of generating buzz on social networks due to the greater number of followers.

Dubbing Industry Seeks Seiyuus Who Can Generate Buzz Online

According to her, in today’s voiceover industry, the ability to create buzz online is one of the most important criteria when hiring, and Umeka is frustrated with that, she currently has 38,000 followers on Twitter.

Just out of curiosity, let’s compare her follower count to one of the most popular voice actresses today, Rie Takahashi, Rie has 988,000 followers on Twitter.

But we have cases like Igoma Yurie, who is a complete newcomer and got the role of Ruby in Oshi no Ko, she has 12,000 followers on Twitter.

I think it depends on the companies behind the production, but I understand wanting Seiyuus who can generate buzz online and thus better publicize anime and games.

Via: Shouji Umeka

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