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Publish your Manga on MangaPlus Creators!

Publish your Manga on MangaPlus Creators!

The time has come! Publish your Manga! Shueisha launched Manga Plus in 2019, it’s a website where you can read Jump manga for free on your PC or smartphone, and today in partnership with Medibang they launched the MangaPlus Creators service.

MangaPlus Creators is exactly the same as MangaPlus, but anyone can download their manga for free for everyone to read.

Publish your Manga and Win Prizes

All works published on MangaPlus Creators instantly participate in the “Monthly Awards”, which is an ongoing contest where the winners will be published on MangaPlus and the Shonen Jump+ app, cash prizes will also be given out.

Publish your Manga on MangaPlus Creators!

The way works will be calculated will be based on views, likes and favorites by readers. There will be two different rankings, English and Spanish, so if you want to upload your work there, upload it in English.

You can publish your manga that you have already published commercially or on other sites, as long as it doesn’t violate copyright, there is also a team that will check your manga to see if they don’t find anything that violates the terms.

This is very good, as this is Shueisha’s official website, and I hope that more people will end up viewing the manga like never before.