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Survey highlights middle-aged people’s interest in online manga in Japan

Survey highlights middle-aged people's interest in online manga in Japan

In Japan, a survey conducted by Oricon ME between May 17 and June 7 highlighted middle-aged people’s interest in online manga in Japan.

According to the research, we have many middle-aged people who are used to technology and who are reading comics on the internet, it’s not just a young thing.

Survey highlights middle-aged people’s interest in online manga in Japan

Some 10,438 people who read comics online at least once a week aged between 15 and 79 were interviewed, and the audience in the age group that most subscribed to services that offer comics online are 50.5% of people in the age range of 50 years old, while we only have 6.2% with people between 10 and 19 years old.

Survey highlights middle-aged people's interest in online manga in Japan

The results reveal that people in older age groups are those who most use services that offer online comics. 51% of people in their 50s responded that they read comics online almost every day, and we have 50.6% in their 60s, 45.9% in their 40s and a very low number for younger readers.

Explanations for middle-aged people’s interest in online manga

The research also provided some explanations for the large number of middle-aged people reading comics on the internet. Starting with the use of smartphones and tablets among people aged 50 and over has increased in recent years, as has the number of users of online comic apps in their 40s and 50s.

Survey highlights middle-aged people's interest in online manga in Japan

We also have more stable incomes among older age groups who have greater purchasing power for hobbies. And finally, older audiences recognize that they can read not only more recent works, but also re-read nostalgic series from their youth with ease on online comics apps.

Among the reactions of the Japanese public regarding middle-aged people’s interest in online manga, we have:

”Wow, I would have thought the younger age groups would be at the top”

”My mental image is that 50-year-olds like to read physical books”

”Yes, I just switched to electronic comics. I don’t need shelves anymore”

”I always like to have a physical copy in my hands, so I’ve never subscribed to an online comics service before.”

”It’s so easy to get addicted and not be able to stop online comics, I try not to look at them, but somehow I always get sucked in.”

Many like the feeling of leafing through their comics, while others see services that offer comics online as something more practical without having to worry about having somewhere to store them. What is your preference?

Source: Otakomu via SoraNews24