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Oshi no Ko is the Anime with Most 1 Score on MAL

Oshi no Ko is the Anime with Most 1 Score on MAL

Behold, the “curse” has arrived for this anime as well, as Oshi no Ko is the anime with most 1 Score of the current spring 2023 season on MyAnimeList. The anime premiered with a 90-minute episode which was very well received due to the many twists the story took in that single episode.

Because of the story, which was excellent, many people who like to rate it as soon as they see the episodes, gave the anime a 10 and it surpassed Fullmetal Alchemist in the ranking, but many people started to give it a 1.

Oshi no Ko ep 1

Oshi no Ko is the Anime with Most 1 Score on MAL

Oshi no Ko is the anime with the most 1 ratings of the anime that are being broadcast in the current season, in total it already has 1,180 1 ratings as the print below shows, which is obviously not normal.

Oshi no Ko is the Anime with Most 1 Score on MAL

In comparison, the anime has so far had 29,257 grades 10. Perhaps the reason for the grade 1 is because Oshi no Ko surpassed Fullmetal Alchemist in the ranking. It is common knowledge that every time an anime surpasses Fullmetal Alchemist a wave of profiles giving a score of 1 arises and the anime ends up going downhill afterwards.

This happened with Shingeki no Kyojin, Kaguya-sama Ultra Romantic and others, and Fullmetal Alchemist always ends up returning to the top after a very large wave of 1s.

For example, Kaguya-sama Ultra Romantic, which is the third season of the series, currently has 9,869 grades 1, which makes no sense:

Oshi no Ko is the Anime with Most 1 Score on MAL

My personal opinion, but Fullmetal Alchemist has not been the number 1 anime for a long time, it is only there in an artificial way, I love Fullmetal and I also gave it a 10, but many animes have already surpassed it.

The current situation in the MAL ranking is as follows, at the time of writing this post, Oshi no Ko has a score of 9.33 and Fullmetal Alchemist has a score of 9.11.