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Manga World

Manga Takes Over Comic Space in a US Bookstore

Manga Takes Over Comic Space in a US Bookstore

How is the situation of bookstores in your city when comparing the space occupied by manga compared to American Comics? In a bookstore in Atlanta, USA, manga takes over the space that comics used to occupy, now relegated to just one shelf.

Manga Takes Over Comic Space in a US Bookstore

A tweet recently gained over a million views, showcasing the situation at a bookstore in Atlanta. The photos reveal that manga has completely taken over the space once dominated by American Comics, such as Marvel and DC.

The first photo shows the space occupied by American Comics:

Manga Takes Over Comic Space in a US Bookstore

And the following photos illustrate the space taken by manga. Three photos depict this dominance, at least in this particular bookstore:

Manga Takes Over Comic Space in a US Bookstore

Manga Takes Over Comic Space in a US Bookstore Manga Takes Over Comic Space in a US Bookstore

This post naturally caught the attention of Japanese readers who began to share their opinions in droves upon realizing that manga is increasingly encroaching on the territory that was once ruled by Marvel and DC comics.

“It’s been this way for over 10 years, and I’m actually surprised at the growing number of shelves dedicated to American comics.”

“Ah, it’s that time of the month again to discuss American comics. It’s getting colder too.”

“100 years after World War II, Japan has finally achieved victory.”

Manga Takes Over Comic Space in a US Bookstore

“Why do they need to belittle American comics by manipulating impressions? It’s abnormal for someone to antagonize American comics based on their own worldview, claiming that, in the late 2000s, during the Cool Japan era, Japanese manga was the best in the world.”

“Perhaps that’s the case. Instead of saying that manga is particularly popular, it seems they have grown tired of political correctness and turned their backs on American comics.”

“Speaking of which, are there ‘adaptations of books that have become popular on social media’ in American comics, like Chiikawa? Maybe there are some in independent imprints?”

“I think local fans of American comics would purchase American comic booklets in specialized stores (likely through online shopping or digital platforms), so this in itself can lead to misunderstandings.”

“I like American comics, but they are completely different when they become movies. ‘Manga’ is taking over the world.”

“This rumor that circulates periodically, deceiving about retailers… Who is it this time?”

“It’s sad to think that, in order to praise Japan, they intentionally belittle the works and cultures of other countries. It’s as if they can’t promote Japan without going to such extremes.”

As you can see from the comments I’ve shared here, most Japanese readers don’t appreciate this type of post that “degrades” something native to a country in favor of their own, in this case, speaking negatively about American Comics and praising manga.

I’m not entirely sure at the moment, but in my city’s largest bookstore, I believe the manga section is indeed much larger than the American Comics section, and I recall them receiving more prominent displays.

But what do you think?

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