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Super Manga Collection Destroys Otaku Bookshelf

Super Coleção de Mangás derruba Estante

Do you collect manga or light novels? Are you the type who only collects a few volumes or you buy a lot and like to see them cute on a shelf or shelf, one next to the other for you to admire and pick up whenever you want to read and reread.

Many people have huge manga collections out there, but did you know that you need to know if your bookshelf can handle your collection? A Japanese man shared photos of pain and suffering as he showed that the weight of his manga was too much for this shelf to bear.

Super Coleção de Mangás derruba Estante Super Coleção de Mangás derruba Estante Super Coleção de Mangás derruba Estante

He said in his profile that the shelves could not hold the amount of manga and gave in, everything fell to the floor and now he is very sad about this situation, he certainly damaged some of the manga

In other photos, he updated the crowd about the huge amount of work he had to reorganize all the manga that were on his shelf:

Super Coleção de Mangás derruba EstanteSuper Coleção de Mangás derruba EstanteSuper Coleção de Mangás derruba Estante

Otakus from all over reacted to their noble colleague’s massive collection.

[su_quote]I don’t think he reads everything[/su_quote]

[su_quote]There’s Hentai in the middle[/su_quote]

[su_quote]I saw Kochikame[/su_quote]

[su_quote]18,000 manga this is amazing, it’s like a coffee manga[/su_quote]

Meanwhile my collection is quite modest, how about you? Do you have a large collection of manga or light novels?