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Some Light Novels were Canceled Even Appearing in Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi!

Light Novels were Canceled

Every year several light novels are ranked in “Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi”, which is a kind of award to inform which are the best and most popular light novels on the market so far.

So we have several rankings (depending on the category) with several light novels in them, and there fans can find even more light novels to buy.

So for a long time fans thought that appearing in the Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi rankings was synonymous with the novel selling well, but that’s not the case!

Light Novels were Canceled Even Appearing in Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi!

Some light novels that appeared in this year’s ranking have just been canceled due to low sales! Appearing in a ranking means nothing if no one buys them!

Light Novels were Canceled

An example of a recently canceled light novel is Mondaiji no Watashitachi wo Kaeta no wa, Onaji Class no Monaka-senpai, The author published in his profile that the light novel managed to appear in the Kono Light novel ga Sugoi ranking, but received the news of its cancellation due to low sales

It’s sad because the author says he was planning to put twists in the story that would make it even more interesting. But it wasn’t just him, we have another author here whose light novel was also canceled due to low sales:

He apologizes for his lack of writing skills. Anyway, from what the authors said, the determining factor for the cancellation or not of a light novel is the first week sales.

If they are too low, the publisher will cancel publication of the light novel. It is sad to see authors having their work interrupted like this and interesting to know that appearing in the Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi ranking has no influence if sales are low.

via: Nijipoi