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Idol Fired After Stealing and Selling Group Members’ Belongings

Idol é Demitida após Roubar pertence de outra

In April this year, the idol group Okosama Plate announced the dismissal of one of its members, Riara, for a serious breach of contract. At the time, the agency DreamARK did not specify the details of her violation, sparking speculation among fans.

After her dismissal, Riara took to social media to criticize the agency and revealed that she had attempted suicide due to how she was treated by them. She also refuted the reasons behind her termination.

Following Riara’s public statement, DreamARK decided to reveal the true reason for her dismissal: she had stolen and sold online the personal belongings of other group members, violating her contract and breaking the trust within the team.

iara, former idol from Okosama Plate, speaks about her dismissal and suicide attempt

Riara apologized for the theft but continued to criticize the agency. She explained that in May, she had requested the company to correct false information in a document outlining the events leading to her dismissal. The refusal of this request sent her into a panic, leading her to attempt suicide.

Riara also mentioned issues related to unpaid wages and limitations on her use of social media, which she claims hindered her career. She acknowledged her mistakes in stealing and reselling members’ belongings, saying, “It’s not that I’m not sorry for what I did,” but clarified that she is working on resolving the matter with the help of lawyers. The former idol concluded with an apology: “I’m truly sorry for losing everyone’s trust due to this incident.”

source: Daily co jp