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Manga World

French editors are psychopaths according to Japanese editor

French editors are psychopaths according to Japanese editor

A long time ago, I saw somewhere that after Japan, the country that has the strongest manga market is France, and a new interview seems to prove it once again.

The website Linternaute interviewed Pauline Ferrari, he is a European who has lived in Tokyo for ten years, he works for Japanese publishers, his role is to facilitate communication between Japanese publishers and publishers in Europe in licensing manga.

However he claims that of all markets in Europe, France is the “trendsetter” for manga in Europe, he then quotes a Japanese publisher, who he says said this:

French editors are psychopaths according to Japanese editor

“French editors are psychopaths”, in which Pauline Ferrari completes and explains why the French are psychopaths: “Italian, German, Spanish editors, before licensing a new series, ask how long a series will be. The French only check the first chapter and if they like the manga, the next day I have an offer in my mailbox”.

Another thing revealed is that the French market greatly influences the market in other European countries such as Italy and Germany, publishers see how a manga does in France and depending on it they license it for their countries.

France has 35 publishers that publish manga, Germany has 15, Italy has 10, the United States has 6, Poland has 5.

But don’t take it so literally, it’s clear that other countries license and publish titles that haven’t arrived in France yet, or that there are certain countries that like a certain thing (for example, Retro being popular in Italy),

Via: Linternaute