Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Fictosexuality Association is created for those who have romantic feelings for fictional characters

Fictosexuality Association is created for those who have romantic feelings for fictional characters

We have previously featured the story of Arihiko Kondo, a 40-year-old man from Tokyo who “married” the character Hatsune Miku. Their union took place in November 2018, and since then, their relationship has been going strong.

In June 2023, Kondo founded the Fictosexuality Association with the aim of providing a safe space for those who have romantic feelings for fictional characters to receive mutual support.

Fictosexuality Association is created for those who have romantic feelings for fictional characters

Arihiko Kondo shares that when he returns from work, he greets Miku, hoping for a response that never comes, but it still comforts him and makes him smile.

Fictosexuality Association is created for those who have romantic feelings for fictional characters

This may seem strange to many people, but Kondo says that having affection for fictional characters is not so uncommon. According to a national survey conducted in 2017 by the Japanese Association of Sexual Education, over 10% of high school and university students, both male and female, had romantic feelings for characters from video games and anime.

Arihiko Kondo is an optimistic man, as he dreams of a world where people can freely celebrate their love for fictional characters, even marrying them. Arihiko and Hatsune Miku have been “married” for 5 years.

via Mainichi Shimbun

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