Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Female audience becomes Toranoana’s biggest customer

Female audience becomes Toranoana's biggest customer

There is in Japan a chain of stores focused on doujins called Toranoana, which has announced that it will close 6 stores of its 7 soles in Japan, including those in Akiba, Shinjuku, Chiba, Nanba A and Umeda.

The Nagoya store, which was already closed, even had plans to reopen, but will remain closed now. According to what was said, the store suffered greatly from the effects of COVID-19 and was unable to recover.

But another change was said that I saw few give it an importance, only 1 store will remain open, which is focused on doujins for the female audience!

Female audience becomes Toranoana’s biggest customer

Female audience becomes Toranoana's biggest customer
Female audience becomes Toranoana’s biggest customer

Toranoana first opened in Akihabara in 1994, its main product is selling doujins by independent authors. They also sell official merchandise. Even Toranoana has already been part of the Production Committees of several animes.

With the store closings, the Nlab website reported that the flow of customers began to change a lot in the store, before customers went to the store but now mail orders are much more frequent.

Furthermore, it was said that in recent years there has been a change in his customers, now 70% of his customers are women, including mail ones.

It’s only natural that they left a female-oriented store as the only one open at the moment.

via: Yaraon

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