Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Ecchi is losing popularity in the West

Ecchi is losing popularity in the West

Ecchi has seen better days in the anime and manga industry. And now, ecchi is losing popularity in the West. According to a study carried out by academics from Los Angeles, where 1,500 teenagers between 10 and 24 years of age were interviewed with questions about topics of interest regarding television content.

Ecchi is losing popularity in the West

According to the study, 51.5% of respondents want more stories that address themes of ”friendship” and ”platonic relationships”, as well as less content that involves sex or more carnal relationships like ecchi.

Ecchi is losing popularity in the West

And 44.3% of boys think that the resource of romance between the protagonists is widely used, 39% would like to see more ”asexual” and ”aromantic” characters in the content, while 47.5% say that sex It is a censoring resource in the plots and arguments of series and films.

The Japanese reacted with ecchi losing popularity in the West, and we have comments like: 

“If it’s necessary to the story, then it’s necessary and it will have a conclusion.”

“Why are erotic scenes so common in horror films?”

“Wasn’t Generation Z a Japanese term?”

“Most of the time, love scenes aren’t necessary. It’s weird to have a kissing scene while fighting or running away from zombies and aliens.”

“Sex scenes are essential in horror films, aren’t they?”

“Maybe it’s not a question of being conscious, but rather of having an aversion to things of a sOxual nature.”

“Whether with strangers or family, sOx scenes aren’t necessary in something everyone watches together.”

“This is a result of the brainwashing that er@tism is bad. Now, I’m not even interested in the opposite sOx.”

Source: Yaraon

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