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Do Japanese Women Want to Date Foreign Men?

Do Japanese Women Want to Date Foreign Men?

Do Japanese Women Want to Date Foreign Men? This is the kind of topic I frequently come across. I know some people who went to Japan hoping to find someone to settle down with and ended up facing challenges.

There’s a Japanese YouTuber named Takashii who, three months ago, took to the streets of Tokyo to ask women if they want to date foreigners.

Do Japanese Women Want to Date Foreign Men?

Well, the quickest answer I can give you is that it depends on the woman. Some obviously embrace the idea, while others prefer dating Japanese men. Ultimately, it all comes down to life circumstances and how people cross paths.

So, let’s see what the women in the video had to say, shall we?

There’s a young lady who stated that she does want to date foreigners, especially Americans, because they seem to be gentlemen and are “attractive.”

Another woman echoed a similar sentiment, expressing her eagerness to date foreigners because they appear strong, and she has a preference for muscular men. She even singled out Latin America as a region with many appealing men!

Next, Takashii interviewed two women. One of them revealed that she wouldn’t date foreigners due to their “body odor”; she believes that foreigners have a strong scent.

Do Japanese Women Want to Date Foreign Men?

On the other hand, the woman beside her said she would date foreigners because they seem more friendly than Japanese men. Another woman he interviewed is currently in a relationship with a French man.

She mentioned wanting to live with him in France as she wants to leave Japan. Another woman he interviewed dated an American in the past and is currently in a relationship with a Japanese man.

Lastly, he interviewed a new pair of friends, and both of them said they aren’t interested in foreigners. Overall, it’s the kind of video that piques curiosity.

You can watch the video below to discover more insights from the women that I haven’t included in the text above:

via Tokyo Kinky

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