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Chinese woman has cosplay confiscated for wearing a Japanese kimono

Chinese woman has cosplay confiscated for wearing a Japanese kimono

A woman cosplaying the kimono version of Ushio from the Summer Time Rendering anime ended up being stopped by Chinese police. The biggest problem with cosplay is because the girl is a Chinese woman and she was wearing a Japanese kimono.

The woman cosplaying Ushio was wearing a white kimono with red and green flowers, she was standing in line in a popular area when she was surrounded by Chinese police.

The story was published by the girl herself on her Weibo profile, which told her case, soon censored by the social network.

Chinese woman has cosplay confiscated for wearing a Japanese kimono

According to her publication, she was wearing a blonde wig and a kimono, thus cosplaying the kimono version of Ushio (pictured below), from the anime and manga Summer Time Rendering, and the police found a problem with her being in a kimono. .

Chinese woman has cosplay confiscated for wearing a Japanese kimono

Chinese woman has cosplay confiscated for wearing a Japanese kimono

Wearing kimonos in public has become a controversial issue in China in recent years, as patriotism and anti-Japanese sentiment has increased in China recently. Anime fans in the country have weathered storms.

In a video that recorded the whole mess, the police ask what the girl is doing to which she replies that she is taking pictures, the police then say: “If you were wearing a Chinese kimono I wouldn’t say anything, but you are a Chinese and you’re wearing a kimono, you’re Chinese aren’t you?” yelling at her.

The woman asked why she was getting scolded and then the police told her she was “suspected of causing a disturbance”, the video ends with a huge ruckus and has been viewed over 8 million times.

She says she was interrogated for more than 5 hours after being taken to the police, her smartphone was scrambled and photos were deleted, her kimono was confiscated. She says she was also “polite” and warned by the police not to say anything on the internet.

In addition, the woman would have been forced to write a 5,000-word document criticizing herself. Some online comments asked the girl “why did you as a Chinese citizen wear a Kimono? Think about what your ancestors went through”, but she received several messages of support as well.