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Chapter 99 of the Houseki no Kuni Manga has 3 Black Pages

Chapter 99 of the Houseki no Kuni Manga

I don’t read the Houseki no Kuni manga, to be honest I don’t even know what the story is about, but the Japanese started commenting on chapter 99 of the manga because he did something “brave”.

Basically, it has 3 whole pages where the frames that were supposed to be the drawings are completely in black, check it out:

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So chapter 99 has 3 completely black pages, with nothing drawn, I was hoping people would complain about that, after all, they’ve complained before when light novel authors exaggeratedly repeated groans.

However, some noticed that the layout of the frames are the same as the first chapter of the manga, compare:

Chapter 99 of the Houseki no Kuni Manga

Chapter 99 of the Houseki no Kuni Manga Chapter 99 of the Houseki no Kuni Manga

As I mentioned above, I haven’t read the story and I don’t know what it’s about, much less what’s happening in it, but I imagine it has some symbolism or a reference that goes back to this scene from the first chapter of the manga.

In case anyone reads the manga and hasn’t noticed this reference, and wants to explain what’s going on, leave the explanation in the comments please.

Japanese reaction:

“Looks like the layout is the same as the first chapter”

“Who would notice something like that?”

“What is the point?”

“I’ve seen something like this in other manga”

“If you haven’t noticed, it’s a way of talking that a lot of time has passed”

via: Kurokoro