Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Can you guess who are the Mother, Father and Daughter in Shinagawa Mikuzu art?

Você consegue adivinhar quem é a Mãe, o Pai e a Filha na arte de Shinagawa Mikuzu?

Mangaka Shinagawa Mikuzu literally wanted to confuse the whole world with a new illustration he made and posted on his profile on February 3rd, reaching 1 million views!

He made an art of a family, the mother, father and their daughter, walking down the street while the people around were completely shocked.

Come on, without looking at the text, who is the mother, daughter and father in Shinagawa Mikuzu’s art?

Você consegue adivinhar quem é a Mãe, o Pai e a Filha na arte de Shinagawa Mikuzu?

Then come the answer!

Right to left okay? The girl with the short hair is the mother, she is 38 years old, has a male voice and is 1.81 tall.

The little girl in the middle is her father, she is 37 years old and she is an office job, her hobbie is crossdressing, she is 1.38 tall.

And the girl on the left is the daughter, she’s 14 years old and she’s on the school basketball team, she’s 1.91 tall!

And they are talking about how much they like to go for a walk with the family every now and then while people on the street look on in amazement!

Well, really, this is a family that destroys the brain of those who see it, even for the mental confusion that is created watching this scene.