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All Chainsaw Man Arcs

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

In this post, you will find information about all Chainsaw Man arcs, a popular manga series. Each “arc” is a portion of the story that focuses on the same subject. In addition to the arcs, Chainsaw Man is divided into two parts: Part 1, which has several arcs, and Part 2, which already has three arcs.

To help you better understand the story, we’ve separated the arcs and parts and provided details on how many chapters each arc spans and how many episodes have been adapted. If you’re a Chainsaw Man fan or interested in finding out more about the series, read on to find out all about the story arcs!

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Part 1 – Public Safety Saga

The first part of the story involves the whole situation of the Public Security members, it is here that Denji ends up gaining his powers and joins Power and Aki in the special Division 4.

Introduction arc

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Episodes 1 and 2
Manga: Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4

In this arc we are introduced to Denji and Pochita, and this is where Denji’s life changes forever after meeting the Zombie Demon.

Bat Devil arc

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Episodes 2, 3, 4 and 5
Manga: Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

With “certain” personal interests, Denji accompanies Power to save her cat from the bat demon.

Eternity Devil arc

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Episodes 5, 6 and 7
Manga: Chapters 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21

While searching for yet another piece of the weapon’s demon, Special Division 4 ends up encountering another powerful demon in a hotel.

Katana Man arc

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Episodes 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
Manga: Chapters 22 to 39

Suddenly an attack is made against Special Division 4 and leaves the surviving members disoriented, confused and wanting revenge.

Bomb Girl Arc

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Not adapted yet
Manga: Chapters 40 to 52

Denji finds a new romantic interest who turns out to be more explosive than he intended (wow, what a cheesy joke).

International Assassins Arc

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Not adapted yet
Manga: Chapters 53 to 70

After the news about Denji circulates all over the place, he ends up becoming the target of several people.

Gun Devil Arc

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Not adapted yet
Manga: Chapters 71 to 79

The fight between Denji and the gun devil begins.

Control Devil Arc

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Not adapted yet
Manga: Chapters 80 to 97

Hidden motives surface as a grieving Denji turns to Makima for solace.



Justice Devil

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Not adapted yet
Manga: Chapters 98 to 111

After having her body inhabited by Yoru, the demon of war, student Asa Mitaka will have to help her take revenge on Chainsaw Man, but to do that, she must face two students who have made a contract with the demon of Justice.

Date Denji arc

All Chainsaw Man Arcs

Anime: Not adapted yet
Manga: Chapters 112 to 120

With Yoru and Fami insisting on turning Denji into a weapon, Asa takes him on two dates at the Aquarium, however, the date goes wrong due to guilt…

Arc 3 – ?

Anime: Not adapted yet
Manga: Chapters 113 and in publication…

Waiting for the arc to end to know all its details.

And these are, so far, all Chainsaw Man arcs, below you can see more posts that deal with arcs from other animes:

You can buy the Chainsaw Man manga here.

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