Crazy for Anime Trivia

Discover intriguing facts and secrets about your favorite anime series

About Us



Hello, thank you for wanting to learn more about us.

We are a website dedicated to searching for and sharing trivia about anime. “Crazy for Anime Trivia” was founded in 2013 as a Facebook page called “Did you know Anime.”

For a while, the page operated and shared anime trivia through the hands of the former page administrators, and then a few years later, I, Hoss, ended up becoming the owner of Did you Know Anime.

After testing the waters for a few years, the page finally went into full activities. However, at that time, I discovered another website already using that name, so I decided to change the name to “Crazy for Anime Trivia.”

Currently, I manage Crazy for Anime Trivia. If you have any questions for us, feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Current Team:

Leandro Hoss – Graduated in design, he is responsible for the creation of Crazy for Anime Trivia, he is the one who makes practically all the posts on the site.

Liz/Yoru – Graduated in Design, she’s not so into anime, but she helps at Crazy for Anime Trivia reviewing the posts and maintaining the site when something goes wrong.