Crazy for Anime Trivia

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Strage Japan

600 thousand yen were found in an aqueduct from Toyama, Japan

600 thousand yen were found in an aqueduct from Toyama, Japan

US4.415 or 600 thousand yen were found in an aqueduct in the city of Toyama, Japan. This happened last month, people noticed the money that was in the aqueduct of the Okutanbomachi neighborhood of the city.

When people approached, they saw that it was at least 60, 10,000 yen bills (US73), the largest denomination of paper money used in Japan. The money was removed and handed over to the police.

600 thousand yen were found in an aqueduct from Toyama

The japanese internet reacted with great humor to this case. Check out some comments:

”Something smells like fish here…”

”This money must be involved in some kind of crime, right?”

”It can be said that this is money laundering.”

”My guess is someone got drunk and accidentally dropped the money in the water.”

”Oh, yes, that’s my money. Definitely mine.”

”This is the kind of community beautification project I can really get behind.”

”I bet people are gonna be lined up all along the stream tomorro.”

600 thousand yen was found in an aqueduct, but is this money from some crime or it was lost by some honest soul?

Check out the case of a man who lost a USB with information from more than 400 thousand people from Amagasaki.

Via: SoraNews24