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Scenes that the Heavenly Delusion anime cut or altered from the manga – Episodes 1 and 2

Scenes that the Heavenly Delusion anime cut or altered from the manga - Episodes 1 and 2.

After watching the excellent first episode, I became curious to read the manga and see if there were any differences compared to the anime. And indeed, there are! The Heavenly Delusion anime cut some scenes from the manga and modified others.

In this post, I will try to compile the most significant changes in episode 1 and episode 2 of the Heavenly Delusion anime.

The Scenes that the Heavenly Delusion Anime Cut.

Regarding the part where the two break into a house and discover essential items, the anime differs slightly from the manga. In the anime, Maru and Kiruko enter a closed house. She finds a toothpaste and he finds toilet paper. Then, she uses the bathroom and they go up the stairs, where they find a dead couple in bed.

Scenes that the Heavenly Delusion anime cut or altered from the manga - Episodes 1 and 2.

In the anime, only the dead couple holding hands is shown, but in the manga, it is revealed that they died looking at each other, in addition to holding hands.

Scenes that the Heavenly Delusion anime cut or altered from the manga - Episodes 1 and 2.

In the anime, after searching the house, there is a scene of the two lying on different sofas, and Maru asks Kiruko about the two men she is looking for. However, the anime cut the interaction that occurs before this, where Kiruko ends up getting a little flirtatious:

Scenes that the Heavenly Delusion anime cut or altered from the manga - Episodes 1 and 2.

The anime may have cut the scene due to lack of time or because Kiruko gets flirtatious in that scene. It’s still not possible to know.

In the ambush scene, for example, when Maru and Kiruko encounter the 5 men, in the anime, Kiruko climbs over the wall while Maru takes down almost all of them using his fighting skills. In the manga, this part is very different, as Maru doesn’t fight against the men.

In the manga, Maru and Kiruko climb the fence together and, as soon as the men are running towards them, Kiruko shoots her gun at the pole, making them surrender.

Scenes that the Heavenly Delusion anime cut or altered from the manga - Episodes 1 and 2.

In the manga, there is a scene where Kiruko and Maru walk with the men while she holds the gun against them. In this scene, there is a conversation between them, something that was cut from the anime, which immediately jumped to the scene where everyone is at the “base” of the men.

Tengoku Daimakyou ep 1

In the anime, we don’t see Kiruko taking a bath, but in the manga, it is shown that the bath, which was supposed to be separated between men and women, is not separated, since the division is broken and they end up seeing each other after entering together:


In episode 2 of Heavenly Delusion, I believe the biggest cut was in relation to this scene, where Kiruko thanks the man for giving her information and shakes his hand, he being a fan of hers.

Scenes that the Heavenly Delusion anime cut or altered from the manga - Episodes 1 and 2.

However, right after that, the anime cuts the scene and doesn’t show anything else, but in the manga, it is shown that the man was very happy and foolishly held onto her hand

Scenes that the Heavenly Delusion anime cut or altered from the manga - Episodes 1 and 2.

And those were the main scenes that the Heavenly Delusion anime cut or altered from the manga. In total, the first episode adapted chapters 1, 2, part of chapter 3, and part of chapter 4. The second episode of Heavenly Delusion adapted chapters 5, part of chapter 6, and chapter 7 of the manga.

Just a heads up, this post is not meant to complain about the changes made in the anime, it’s just to see what was altered out of curiosity.