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Western Voice Actors Uncomfortable Recording Adult Scenes

Western Voice Actors Uncomfortable Recording Adult Scenes

In recent times, several game performers have reported discomfort when asked to work on explicit scenes without any prior warning. One voice actress says she was surprised by the “demand to act in a sexual assault scene.”

However, actors and actresses have told the BBC that the culture of secrecy on projects – where scripts are only handed over at the last minute – often leaves them unprepared for scenes involving intimate acts. They described feelings of “disturbance” and “discomfort” when caught off guard.

Performing arts union Equity is demanding that the industry adopt stricter measures. It has published guidelines on minimum pay and working conditions in games, including specific guidelines for intimate or explicit scenes.

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Jessica Jefferies, a casting director and former motion capture performer, shared one of her experiences. During a shoot, she was asked to act in a graphic sexual assault scene, without any prior warning. “I was told right away that I would be acting in a graphic rape scene,” she said. She turned down the role, calling it “disgusting.” She also complained about being the only woman on set, and the scene was eventually canceled.

Based on cases like Jefferies’, Equity has developed guidelines to ensure better conditions for performers in intimate scenes. Recommendations include sharing scripts with cast members in advance, creating closed sets to ensure privacy, and having a competent intimacy coordinator to oversee filming.

Jefferies says the guidelines are not intended to limit creativity or storytelling in games. She also notes that since the incident ten years ago, there have been great advances in the way these scenes are handled. However, she believes that implementing best practices from the film and television industry would only further improve the process.

Western Voice Actors Uncomfortable Recording Adult Scenes

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A voice actress who wished to remain anonymous also shared her struggles. She said she was once told during filming that she would have to voice an entire sex scene for a major game, without any prior notice. “I felt incredibly uncomfortable,” she said, noting that an all-male crew was watching the recording.

She stressed that the gaming industry has yet to adopt standards similar to those of film and TV, especially when it comes to transparency before filming explicit scenes.

Baldur’s Gate 3 had intimacy coordinators to ensure that actors were comfortable filming explicit scenes. In addition to intimate scenes, Equity’s guidelines cover a number of other issues, such as the overuse of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), safety during the use of motion capture, and preventing harmful vocal strain on performers.

via Você Sabia Anime